Phone: (843) 962-4190

The SC Black Farmers Coalition is a membership organization on a mission to train, support and advocate for existing, returning and future generations of Black farmers in South Carolina.

Our vision is an SC agricultural sector where Black farmers of all sizes are equitably represented, have the capacity for competitiveness, and are well-positioned to thrive across generations.

Membership Levels & Benefits:

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$ 100 Year

Steering Committee

$ 50 Year

Friends of SCBFC

$ 25 Year


Membership Benefits:

Benefits include:

  • Access to start up/matching funds for USDA cost-share projects and other on-farm needs (based on Coalition financial position).
  • Information on grants, sponsorships, contracts and other funding opportunities.
  • Connections to Black entrepreneurs working in agriculture-related fields.
  • Information about federal and state laws, policies and practices that impact Black farmers.
  • A safe space for Black farmers to share concerns and ideas.
  • Monthly listing of produce available, farming-related jobs, land for sale/rent, and equipment for sale/rent/share, etc.
  • Discounts at conference and training sessions

Steering Committee Membership


All premier benefits plus:

  • First option for workshop presentations,
    paid contract work
  • Send up to 3 emails each month to SCBFC listserv
  • Guide month-to-month strategic plan implementation

Friends of SCBFC membership


Friends of SCBFC membership benefits:

  • Early invitations for event sponsorship
  • Invitation to serve as guest speaker for workshops and trainings